Wednesday, March 25, 2015

......A Laboring Mama......
Well, That was fun!  This evening our family stayed home with one of
the nurses while the rest went to visit Rhonda's family about 20-30
min drive from here.  The nurse, Kindra was just closing the gate
after saying goodbye to a few little visitors who came to see her... A
man stopped her to say his wife was coming in labor with a group.
Sure enough after a bit a large group of people came- some carrying a
cart with the woman on it and her brother who was supporting her.
Since Kindra is still new at births I got the privilege of assisting
her as we assessed the situation.  Supposedly the lady was 9 months
and in labor but after looking at her records and questioning them
out, as well as doing a checkup we leaned hard towards thinking she is
6 months and having pre-term labor- threatening an abortion.  So far-
baby's heart tones were good so we just needed to quiet the
It was very sweet to talk to the lady and share about Jesus in Creole
and pray for her and her baby and family.  I had to hunt in my mind
for a word sometimes, but being able to communicate for the most part
was a priceless gift!  We had the privilege of being able to call the
group at Rhonda's (something we couldn't do without climbing a
mountain for service when I was here) and talk to Whitney- the head
nurse about the situation.  We decided to try and get her to relax and
wait for the others to get back to make final decisions.  Transporting
to T-Guove 2 hours over very bumpy trails didn't seem a viable option
when we need her to relax.
After we got the family settled in the hospital room Eugene sent Met
Gerard over to walk us home since he happened to be visiting at the
time.  (The mission has a rule that the laies shouldn't walk alone to
or from clinic at night, but Eugene was at the house with our three
children so the local pastor-Met Gerard came in his place to escort
us.)   It was quite the charade for Eugene to communicate this to him
since neither knows the others' mother tongue very well.  I tried to
talk over the walkie talkie in Creole to Gerard, but it crackled
inconveniently at the time so it didn't help matters any.  With a
phrase Eugene had learned just a day or two earlier “prale nan clinc”
(going to clinic) and some signs and wonders to show us walking back
with his fingers Gerard got the message and gladly complied.
The new clinic is definitely much improved since I was there.  It's
bigger and nicer and more accomadating all around. It was fun to be a
nurse for a little bit again while Daddy watched the children.
When the crew got back Eugene and I went over to clinic with the other
nurses while Kindra put Tabitha to sleep and kept an eye on the boys
in case they woke up.  We discussed various possibilities to see if
there was any angle we were missing that might help shed light on her
situation.  Had she maybe been in the Ra-ra last night and gotten
worked up or had a curse put on her?  Had they assumed she needed to
have the baby and given her a tea to induce labor...  was she
pre-ecclamptic?  Had she been hit or fallen???  Mally talked to the
local midwife who was along but nothing seemed to point to any clear
answers so we  made her as comfortable as possible and gave her
another dose to relax her before leaving for the night.  Contractions
were seeming to have stopped, and the only immediate problem was
vomiting so we hoped for the best and left them to rest.
The next morning she gave us good news that she had had no
contractions all night.  She didn't feel strong enough to go home so
the clinic staff let her stay there for the day.  I visited with them
and could see she was doing better.  I encouraged them again to seek
the Lord.
The following morning Whitney radioed me to let me know they were
discharging her.  I went down with Theodore while Janelle – the able
house help here- took care of Tabitha and Stephen. When we arrived the
threesome in our ladies room all greeted me with warm smiles.  Even
the lady who had been in labor smiled shyly.  She was obviously doing
great now.  She had almost seemed out of it up till now, making us
wonder if she was just trying to cope with her situation or if she was
a little slow... The mother of the lady told me she had asked for me
to come so I could pray with them before they leave.  I was thrilled
to do this.  After some exhortations to them spiritually and
nutritionally our little group touched heaven as I asked the Father to
bless them and help them to serve Him with all their might.  I don't
know how those little seeds will do in their hearts, but it was a joy
to place them there.   Even in these troubled mountains of Haiti there
is no situation too hard for our Master!  Hallelujah!

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